16 Jan 3 Tips for Quick and Healthy Breakfast
If you’re a busy professional, then you face unique challenges with your health and fitness.
For you, the problem is less about motivation — you certainly want to work out and eat healthy.
Instead, you deal with a more logistical problem. Your challenge is more about practicality. Your problem is time.
The truth is your problem isn’t really about exercise and nutrition at all. Your issue is with everything else that is necessary to make a workout or a healthy meal possible.
You can perform a workout… but you don’t have 2 hours to drive to a gym, wait for machines, and drive back home.
You can eat a healthy meal… but buying groceries and cooking it is another story.
Well, my friend, my job is to provide you with solutions. So today, I’ll show you how to optimize your breakfast routine to get the protein and healthy fats you need, without making you late.
So here’s your situation:
You know eggs are fantastic breakfast with high protein and healthy fats. You know a morning omelette (cooked right) would do wonders for your waistline and your health.
But who has the time to cook a full omelette every morning?
I didn’t. And considering we work with busy executives, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, parents… my clients didn’t have the time either.
So I deconstructed my process of cooking eggs, and found a few strategies to make it practical. Truth is, none of these will be earth shattering. That said, I hope that seeing these strategies laid out clearly in this blog post will give you the spark to take action./
Let’s make it happen. 3 tips. Here we go.
Tip #1: Use a spray.
Nothing pains me more than seeing someone put in the effort and fail to see results, all because they followed a bad plan based on misinformation.
We need to ensure that your time and effort are invested strategically to yield a worthy ROI.
So remember — eating healthy is not the same as eating for weight loss. Don’t conflate the two.
Weight loss is the result of one thing, and one thing only — a caloric deficit. When it comes to weight loss, the 300 calories from your avocado are no different than the 300 calories from a McDonald’s cheeseburger. It’s a simple math equation.
So take a look at your cooking oil. One tablespoon of oil contains over 100 calories. And your “little bit” is likely equal to at least four (trust me).
Now, if you’re already at your optimal weight, and your only goal is health or building muscle, then these calories may not be a problem.
But if your goal is weight loss, then you’re looking an extra 400 calories that are doing absolutely nothing for you — other than puffing up your midsection.
So what’s the solution?
Switch to a spray. It’ll accomplish the same purpose (i.e. your eggs won’t stick to the pan) and you’ll avoid spending 400 calories frivolously.
Tip #2: Buy pre-diced vegetables.
“I’m not going to pay for someone else to chop my vegetables. That’s ridiculous! I’ll just chop them myself.”
The above statement makes sense… if, and only if, you do truly buy whole vegetables and chop them yourself.
If you, like many busy people, routinely buy whole vegetables, never use them, and throw them in the trash… buy the pre-diced vegetables.
Peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Those are the 3 pre-chopped vegetables I buy every week and use every day. I simply grab them out of the fridge and dump them in the pan. They cook while I beat and season the eggs. It adds no time to the cooking process.
Buy pre-diced vegetables.
Tip #3: Use a shaker.
“What’s this thing called again?”
I asked myself, looking at the little metal ball in my protein shaker.
“Whisk! That’s it. Like the utensil used to beat eggs.”
Wait a minute… if I have a whisk, why am I beating my eggs with a fork? Can I just crack my eggs into my protein bottle, and some spices, and shake it?”
I tried it. It worked.
In fact, it did a better job of beating the eggs, and in less time.
“Has no one else thought of this?”
They had.
A quick Google search turned up a company called Whiskware. They made a similar product, designed specifically to beat eggs.
I ordered this awesome egg mixer for less than $6 . I’ve used it almost every day since.
So that’s it! There are 3 simple, but effective tips to help you make your fitness practical.
Let me know if it helps you.
Stay busy. Stay fit.
-Coach Dani
P.S. Are you ready to optimize your own health, fitness, and body composition?
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