13 Dec The Best (and Worst) Protein Bars for Busy Professionals
Here’s the secret formula for most protein bars:
Candy Bar + Scoop of Protein = “Healthy” Protein Bar
It’s a joke.
You can’t just add a scoop of protein to a Snickers bar and market it as “healthy”.
Well, actually, it turns out you can. So that’s exactly what companies do.
Here’s what you need to know:
Fact #1:
Good protein bars are a fantastic tool for busy professionals who need to make fitness quick and simple.
Fact #2
Good protein bars are rare.
Very rare.
Most protein bars are fattening and terribly unhealthy.
So which protein bars are good, and which should you stay the hell away from?
Watch the video below, and I’ll fill you in.
Stay busy. Stay fit.
-Coach Dani