06 Jan The Burpee
The Burpee is a powerful exercise, my friends.
If you’re looking to burn the MOST calories in the LEAST amount of time — then the burpee is certainly a tool you want to have.
But it’s not just for burning calories.
In fact, the modified “Walking Burpee” almost becomes a completely different exercise.
The Walking Burpee is not only easier on the joints, but it will actually *improve* your mobility and daily function.
So, no matter what your fitness goals are, no matter what level you’re at:
We’ve got something for you in today’s home exercise tutorial.
Let’s get started.
Starting Position: Begin by standing tall with your feet slightly wider than hip-width. Keep your abs and glutes flexed.
Step 1: Squat as deep as you can while maintaining a straight back (no rounding or arching). Pause when you’ve reached your limit.
Step 2: Place your hands on the floor.
Step 3: Step back into a push-up position, one leg at a time. (Do this slowly and with control.)
Note: We’re now going to reverse the movement.
Step 4: Step one foot forward, landing just outside your hands. If you can’t get all the way to your hands, get as close as you can. Pause here and get the most out of that hip stretch. This is one of the most beneficial parts of this exercise.
Step 5: Step your other foot forward
Step 6: Sit your butt back and down towards your your heels, take your hands off the floor, and pull your shoulder blades back. You should be in the bottom of a squat position.
Step 7: Stand up and return to the starting position.
Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.