Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks… are my go-to exercise for cardio.


Well, if you’re a busy professional, then you already know what’s most important in your fitness program:


Simplicity yields efficiency.

Simplicity yields action.

Simplicity yields results.

Jumping jacks are the movement I incorporate most into clients’ programs… because they’re simple.

You’re probably already familiar with the movement, there’s no complex biomechanics for you to learn, and — most importantly — they get the job done.

Jumping Jacks are a P (Plyometric Cardio) exercise in The P.A.U.L. Method. Therefore, their job is to get your heart rate up, improve your cardiovascular efficiency, and burn fat.

This is precisely what Jumping Jacks will do.

Now, one quick note before we dive in:

If you’re either a beginner or have a lower body joint injury, then you probably want to avoid any high impact movements(e.g. jumping).

So, if that’s you, make sure to watch the video tutorial to learn the modification I included for you — “The Walking Jack”.

Alright. Let’s do it.




Starting Position: Stand with your feet together and your arms down at your sides.

Step 1: Jump as you move your feet away from each other, while also raising your arms up overhead. You should land with your feet out wide and your hands together overhead.

Step 2: Jump again as you bring your feet together and arms down to your sides. You should land in the starting position.

Remember — like every P.A.U.L. exercise, you will go as fast or as slow as you need to. The only rule is that you must keep moving for 30 seconds.

That’s all for today, my friend.

Go jump some jacks.

-Coach Dani

P.S. We’re opening up a few spots in the Fit2Go personal training and nutrition coaching program.

Are you ready to optimize your own health, fitness, and body composition?

Awesome. Fill out this quick form so we can discuss discuss your goals and make it happen.

Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

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