31 Jan Home Workout of the Week (Feb 1, 2020)
Welcome to Your Home Workout of the Week!
This 10-minute workout uses The P.A.U.L. Method, designed specifically for busy professionals to maximize results in minimal time.
Here’s how it works:
Each P.A.U.L. workout includes one exercise from the following 4 categories:
P: Plyometrics –> Gets your heart rate up to burn fat.
A: Abs –> Builds strong core and tight waist.
U: Upper Body –> Strengthens and tones arms & torso.
L: Lower Body –> Strengthens and tones glutes and legs.
How it’s Done:
Step 1: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
Step 2: After completing all 4 exercises, rest 30 seconds and repeat.
Step 3: Stop once you’ve reached 10 minutes (4 sets). Take a quick peak in the mirror — you just nailed your workout for the day.
Here are the 4 exercises you’ll be performing this week:
EXERCISE #1: Gate Swings (Plyometric Cardio)
You’ve probably learned by now that when it comes to plyometric cardio, we’re trying to achieve one specific goal:
Get your heart rate up and burn fat.
That’s what Gate Swings will do.
Oh, and trust me, I’m 99% sure you’ve never seen this one before. I think you’ll like ’em.
Check it out.
(Note: Use the modification in the tutorial video if your have any joint pain with jumping.)
–> Get the full tutorial here.
EXERCISE #2: Leg Lifts (Abs)
You’ve probably seen this one before. But you’ve probably seen it performed in a way that promotes lower back pain and a distended belly.
Here’s how to perform it correctly — and get the results you want.
–> Get the full tutorial here.
EXERCISE #3: Shoulder Taps (Upper Body)
If you want healthy, strong, and toned upper arms, here’s what you have to do:
Strengthen the stabilizing muscles around your glenohumeral (a.k.a. shoulder) joint.
Listen, I want you to stay in control.
I want YOU to decide which activities your body will participate in — rather than your body using pain and fatigue to decide for you.
Today, we’re focused on keeping you in power over how and when your body moves.
To achieve this, we’ll need to work on a little something called “shoulder stability”.
Here’s how it’s done.
–> Get the full tutorial here.
EXERCISE #4: Goblet Squat (Lower Body)
You want me to do WHAT? Sit my butt back behind me? Aren’t I going to fall??”
If you’ve ever been taught to squat before, that was 100% your first response.
Squats are the most awkward movement for adults… but they’re not supposed to be. In fact, they’re supposed to be a natural part of your daily life.
We’ll use the goblet squat to wake up those hammies and glutes, and to restore you healthy, strong movement patterns.
–> Get the full tutorial here.
Want to workout with us LIVE?
Krista and I will be performing this 10-minute home workout LIVE @ 8am sharp this Saturday, February 1st! Follow the Fit2Go Facebook page so you can join in.
Stay busy. Stay fit.
-Coach Dani
P.S. Are you ready to optimize your own health, fitness, and body composition?
We’re opening up a few spots in the Fit2Go Personal Training program. Fill out this quick form and we’ll discuss your goals.