26 Feb P.A.U.L. Workout of the Week (March 7, 2020)
Welcome to Your Workout of the Week!
This 10-minute workout uses The P.A.U.L. Method, designed specifically for busy professionals to maximize results in minimal time.
Here’s how it works:
Each P.A.U.L. workout includes one exercise from the following 4 categories:
P: Plyometrics –> Gets your heart rate up to burn fat.
A: Abs –> Builds strong core and tight waist.
U: Upper Body –> Strengthens and tones arms & torso.
L: Lower Body –> Strengthens and tones glutes and legs.
How it’s Done:
Step 1: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
Step 2: After completing all 4 exercises, rest 30 seconds and repeat.
Step 3: Stop once you’ve reached 10 minutes (4 sets). Take a quick peak in the mirror — you just nailed your workout for the day.
Here are the 4 exercises you’ll be performing this week:
EXERCISE #1: Seal Jacks (Plyometric Cardio)
Starting Position: Stand with your feet together and your arms reaching straight in front of you with your hands together.
Step 1: Jump and move both your legs and arms out wide. You should land with your feet spread wide and your arms pointed straight to your sides.
Step 2: Jump again and bring both your legs and arms back together. You should land back in the starting position.
EXERCISE #2: Scissor Snips (Abs)
Starting Position: Lie down on your back. Start with your legs straight in the air with your hips tilted slightly back towards your head. Your abs should be pulled in tight with no space between your lower back and the floor (no arch).
Step 1: Keeping the same position in your torso (abs engaged and no arch), slowly lower your legs down towards the ground. Go as low as you can without breaking form (stop if you feel it in your lower back).
Note: Once you’ve found your sweet spot, you’ll keep your legs at this height for the duration of the exercise.
Step 2: Keeping your legs at this height, spread your legs out as wide as you can.
Step 3: Bring your legs back together, slightly crossing your left foot over your right (hence the scissor snip).
Step 4: Repeat this scissor snip, alternating which foot crosses over the other with every rep.
EXERCISE #3: Inch Worms (Upper Body)
Starting Position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your legs as straight as you can, bend at your hips and place your hands on the floor.
Step 1: Keeping your abs pulled in tight and your knees extended (as much as you can), slowly walk your hands out in front of you until you’re in a high plank position, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your back straight.
Note: Don’t let those hips sag! Keep your lower abs firing!
Step 2: Pause for 1 second. Then slowly walk your hands back towards your feet, keeping your abs pulled in and raising your hips back up high, until you’ve returned to the starting position.
EXERCISE #4: Lunges (Lower Body)
Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width and your hands on your hips.
Step 1: Take a step forward (a few feet) with your left leg. Bend both knees to lower yourself down to right above the floor. You should lean slightly forward at your hips.
Note: If you have pain or the exercise is too hard — don’t bend as far down. Try going halfway down, and adjust as appropriate.
Step 2: Pause for 1 second. Drive your left foot into the ground, activating your left glute and leg as they hold your bodyweight.
Step 3: Keep your core tight as you push back yourself back up — returning to the starting position.
Step 4: Repeat on the right leg. Alternate legs with each rep.