Lunges: They May Look Right, But They’re Wrong

Lunges: They May Look Right, But They’re Wrong

Lunges are tricky.

Usually, with most exercises, bad form is fairly obvious.

Even if you know nothing about biomechanics, you can identify bad form because it just doesn’t look right.

That’s why lunges are tricky.

Most people perform lunges completely wrong.

Their form looks good (if you don’t know any better), but its very, very bad.

Here’s how, and why, to perform a proper lunge, engage your glute (butt) and build a strong, functional lower body.

Check it out.

-Coach Dani

P.S. Want to work with a nationally certified personal trainer on achieving your health and fitness goals?

Shoot us a message at and let’s talk.

Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

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