11 Mar Floor Jumps: Simple… but not so easy.
Floor jumps.
Simple… but not so easy. Krista got 12 in 30 seconds.
How about you?
Starting Position: Stand with your feet hip width apart and your arms down at your sides.
Step 1: Squat down by sitting your hips back behind you and touch your hands to the floor. Pause for 1 second.
Step 2: Once at the bottom of your squat, pause for 1 second.
Step 3: Explode up into a jump as high as you can, reaching your hands towards the sky.
Step 4: As soon as your feet touch the ground, immediately flow right into your next rep.
Note: You want to land SOFTLY, and quietly, rather than stomping your feet on the floor. Absorb the force by immediately flowing right into your next squat when your feet touch the floor, rather than landing abruptly and shocking your joints.
That’s all for today! If you want to get access to the full Fit2Go Home Workout Library, sign up at Fit2GoPT.com/workouts .
Stay busy. Stay fit.
-Coach Dani