Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge

There’s no doubt about it.

This is the #1 exercise you need to learn to activate your glutes — a.k.a. your butt.

Your glutes are not only a cornerstone of an attractive physique, they’re also one of the most commonly underdeveloped muscles in the body.

In short, we sit all day. Sitting all day causes us to lose strength in our glutes. Weak glutes are the direct cause of countless people’s back, hip, knee, ankle, and foot pain.

It’s not that the glutes have some special powers. Your butt isn’t omnipotent.

Rather, *any* chronically deconditioned (a.k.a. unused) muscle in the body can lead to chaos up and down the musculoskeletal system.

It just happens to be that we sit all day, and therefore most of us have flat butts and weak glutes.

So whether you want to improve your health or build your booty… the glute bridge is an exercise that every person should learn to perform.

Check it out.




Starting Position: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Keep your arms at your sides with your hands faced down. Squeeze your lower abs to tilt your pelvis back towards your shoulders. There should be no space between your lower back and the floor.

Step 1: While maintaining that posterior pelvic tilt, push through your heels to raise your hips up off the ground until you have a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. (You can go slightly further than this for maximum glute activation, provided that you don’t experience low back pain). Pause for two seconds and actively squeeze your glutes to maximize the contraction.

Step 2: Slowly reverse that movement, lowering your hips down to the ground, resuming the starting position.

Go grip those glutes for me, will you?

Stay busy. Stay fit.

-Coach Dani

P.S. We’re opening up a few spots in the Fit2Go Personal Training program.

Are you ready to optimize your own health, fitness, and body composition?

Awesome. Fill out this quick form so we can discuss discuss your goals and make it happen.

Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

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