The Goblet Squat

The Goblet Squat

“You want me to do WHAT? Stick my butt out behind me? Aren’t I gonna fall??”

If you’ve ever been taught to squat before, that was 100% your first response.

Let’s face it, squats are THE MOST awkward movement in the world for adults.

But see that is precisely the problem — squats aren’t supposed to feel awkward. In fact, they’re supposed to be the most natural movement pattern in your daily life. Truth is, you should be squatting *all the time* without even thinking about it.

And you used to.

Yes, you.

Watch any toddler for 5 minutes and you’ll see he’s hanging out in an ass-to-grass squat position all the time.

(Seriously, if you have young kids at home, do this. See for yourself.)

When you were a young kid, you didn’t need to be taught to squat. You did it instinctively. It WAS natural.

But then, like all of us, you turned 5 years old, went to school, and you’ve spent the majority of your life sitting in chairs since then.

Look, the human body does an amazing job at adapting to whatever environment it’s in.

In your case, your body has adapted to the unnatural sitting position.

So now, unless you are actively countering this with a focused strength training program, your hip flexors have become chronically tight and your hamstrings and glutes have gone to sleep.

It’s time to wake them up.

It’s time to re-train your body to move optimally… and build a nice-lookin’ lower body in the process. (Yes, that includes your derrière.)

As awkward as squats may feel at first, adding in a dumbbell will actually make them easier, not harder.

Weird, right?

The challenge with learning to squat is learning how to balance your body weight while sitting your hips back behind you.

In today’s exercise, “The Goblet Squat”, you’ll learn a simple technique to alter your center of mass, wake up your glutes, and re-learn how to squat — almost as well as you did when you were two years old.

Check it out.

-Coach Dani

P.S. Want to lose weight, build strength, and optimize your quality of life?

We have a few spots open in the Fit2Go Personal Training program. Tell me your fitness goals via this quick form. Let’s make it happen.

Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

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