This Might Be Why Your Knees Hurt

This Might Be Why Your Knees Hurt

Hey- it’s Sunday night as I write this.

I just got back from a training session with the CEO of one of the top healthcare companies in the country.

With his permission, I’m telling you his story.

Here it is:

This CEO has been battling chronic knee pain for years.

His knees hurt when he wakes up. His knees hurt all day. His knees hurt when he goes to bed.

Pain. Every second of every day.

That’s a snapshot of what chronic knee pain looks like.

It sucks.

Fortunately, given his position, he has access to some of the most respected and knowledgeable health professionals.

Unfortunately, this didn’t help his knee pain.

He met with his Chief Medical Examiner, he saw the top physicians… yet no one could figure out what was causing his knee pain, let alone how to solve it.

So, we took a different approach. Rather than looking at the knee joint itself, we assessed his movement patterns.

In other words, we didn’t just look at his knee. We examined the way his knee was moving throughout the day.

Sure enough, we found the problem.

Once we cleaned up his movement patterns — it was like a switch. His knees immediately started feeling better.

He was shocked.

How could such a simple muscle imbalance cause so much chronic pain? How did it go undetected for so long?

Here’s the thing — his story is not unique. 

The cause of his knee pain (and the fix) is actually extremely common. 

I’ve used the exact same process to help dozens of other clients with knee pain (three others in the last month).

And I’m no guru. We’re talking about a basic muscle imbalance that every trainer learns about.

But, for some reason, this common knee problem is often overlooked.

So, if you have knee pain, or want to optimize your movement patterns for long-term health — this video is for you.

I’ll show you the exact imbalance you may not know you have, why it happens, and how to fix it.


I hope this helps enhance your quality of life. ‘Cause that’s what fitness is all about, my friend.

Stay busy. Stay fit.

-Coach Dani

Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

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