Introducing: Baltimore’s Brand New Fit2Go Personal Training App (Free Before January)

Fit2Go Personal Training

Introducing: Baltimore’s Brand New Fit2Go Personal Training App (Free Before January)

It’s here. It’s finally, finally here.


Hey there. Got some great news — the new Fit2Go app is ready to rock.

The app has four extremely useful features (more on that in a second). But first, let’s address an important question:

Why would you even need an app for a personal training program?

I didn’t get an app just to say we have an app. That I can promise you.

Rather, I’ve been trying to find the best way to solve a very specific problem:

Working out with a personal trainer a few times per week is great, but it isn’t enough to get results.

As any qualified fitness professional will tell you, it’s what you do on your own time that ultimately determines progress. Because after all, 99 percent of the time your trainer won’t be around. So if you train hard every Monday and Wednesday, but eat pizza on your couch every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday — the scale isn’t going to budge, at least not downward.

Considering this reality, I was shocked when I learned that most gyms don’t have an organized, proven method for coaching clients throughout the week. As such, it’s not uncommon for gym members to spend thousands of dollars on personal training sessions and see little (if any) progress. I’ve actually brought this up with several gym owners over the years, and their unanimous response has been “Our job with personal training is to give clients workouts. It’s not our job to get them results.”

Wow. Seriously?

That approach may work well for gyms or training programs that are more interested in your wallet than your progress, but that runs completely contrary to our philosophy at Fit2Go.

We’ve yet to have a single Baltimore resident sign up with Fit2Go Personal Training because he/she wanted workouts.


Every single one of them has wanted to feel stronger, look better, and enhance their quality of life through achieving a physique and lifestyle that they are proud of.

And that’s precisely what Fit2Go was founded to do. Not give workouts. Get results.

We’re extremely results-oriented, so we’ve always been focused on not only our sessions themselves, but also on our clients’ daily routines throughout the week. As we explain to every Fit2Go client — workout sessions are important, but they’re only one small part of achieving results. Therefore, they’re only one small part of our fitness programs.

That’s why I’m so excited to be telling you that we’re finally releasing the new Fit2Go app. Our personal training sessions will remain unchanged, but the other 99% of the time (when you’re on your own) will undergo a dramatic makeover.

So what exactly does this app do?

The Fit2Go app is basically a central spot where every part of your fitness plan will be organized.

Let’s walk through the app’s four primary features:


1) Personalized workouts with videos and instructions


Our goal is always for our clients to be self-sufficient by the end of their programs (a.k.a. not need us). The idea is that they should look and feel great long-term without needing a trainer forever. The “Workouts” feature in the new app will play a big role in this, by helping clients stay consistent with their workouts even when their trainers aren’t around.

Fit2Go clients will schedule specific days/times to perform workouts on their own, and our trainers will design and send personalized workouts, using exercises learned in previous sessions.

What if you forget an exercise or aren’t quite sure you’re doing it right?

No worries — each workout will include detailed instructions and video demonstrations for every exercise.

Our favorite part: Clients will be able to log their own workouts and track their performance. So we’ll not only be notified when you do/don’t do your homework, we’ll have a detailed reports on your strength, endurance, balance improvements that we can review together at assessments.


2) Nutrition Coaching


This feature will probably excite you the most — and it should.

We’ve always been keenly focused on our client’s nutrition, simply because nutrition is the make-or-break of most fitness programs — particularly when the goal is fat loss. This detailed focus on nutrition is precisely how we’ve been able to achieve such dramatic results with Fit2Go clients all over Baltimore.

But now we’re stepping it up!

The new Fit2Go app enables us to send clients daily calorie and macronutrient goals, specific for the client’s unique height, weight, body composition, workout routine, lifestyle, and goals. As a Fit2Go client, you’ll easily log what you eat and see if you’re on track to meet your daily targets. You won’t be starting from scratch either — Fit2Go clients will also receive sample meal plans, to help them plan their own healthy days.

Coolest part: Since our niche is busy Baltimore professionals, we knew we had to make this app as convenient as possible — which is why we made sure to include a barcode scanner. Every second counts in our clients’ busy days, so they’ll log any prepackaged foods by just scanning the barcode with their phone’s camera, and avoid typing altogether.

Note: We will not be sending clients meal plans for them to follow verbatim, mainly because diets don’t work and they make people miserable, but also because regimented meal plans are something you should seek out a registered dietician for. The meal plan feature will be used strictly to provide healthy meal ideas that meet the client’s daily targets.


3) Results Tracker with Measurements and Photos


Steve Ellis — one of our extremely popular Baltimore personal trainers — said it best, when explaining how we approach our clients’ fitness programs:

Basically, we’re working on a project together with the client. The project is the client’s fitness, and we’ve set a clear goal on Day 1 (e.g. “lose 10% body fat”). We’re the project manager, so we design and oversee daily activities, but achieving their goals is absolutely a collaborative effort..”

So, that pretty much sums up what we do here at Fit2Go. First we assess the client’s current lifestyle and daily routine. Then we assess the client’s current fitness level and set a specific, measurable goal. Finally, we’ll work with the client to develop a realistic plan to get from where we are right now to where we want to be.

Being results-oriented requires us to consistently assess progress throughout our clients’ programs. And now, with the release of the new app, clients will have 24/7 access to their own measurements and progress history.

As Steve says, we’re the project manager, but you’re day-to-day performer of operations. So it’s important that you stay up to speed with how far we’ve come and future projections.


4) Chat with Your Trainer Throughout the Week



The 24/7 Support feature is what differentiates weekly workout sessions (value = marginal) from a comprehensive fitness program (value = lifechanging).

Rather than giving Fit2Go clients a few sessions per week and disappearing, our trainers stay in consistent contact throughout the week to provide ongoing guidance, support, and just as importantly — accountability.

So, our 24/7 support is yet another feature undergoing a serious upgrade with the new Fit2Go app. Fit2Go clients will, quite literally, be able to message their trainers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Considering some of the insane schedules our clients operate on, the freedom to shoot their trainers a quick message at 3am and receive a response later that day is quite a bonus.

Look, convenience is key. Especially for the busy working professionals we work with.

That’s why I can’t wait for you to get your hands on this new app.

So here’s how it works:

The Fit2Go app will *officially* be released January 2017. And here’s the best part — all current Fit2Go clients will receive access to this app 100% free. Even if you’re not currently training with Fit2Go, you can get the app for free by signing up before December 22nd, 2016. After December 31st, coaching through the app will be available for $199 / month. 

There is no catch here. It will literally be free for our existing clients. Why? It’s simple. I’m just not a big fan of “upselling”. This app is designed to improve your results; not our profits.

What To Do Right Now:

If you’re a current Fit2Go client:

Shoot me an email at if you’d like to join our group of beta-testers for immediate access to the app. Otherwise, you’ll get access in January without having to do anything.

If you’re not currently a Fit2Go client, but are interested in joining:

Fill out this quick application form today. If approved, we’ll schedule a phone call to discuss your goals, talk more about the fitness program, and see if it’s a good fit. As of now we have 5 spots left.

Talk soon,

P.S. Did I mention how excited I am about the new Fit2Go app?


Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

READY TO MAKE A CHANGE? See how to get started with your own in-home personal training program.