The Push-Up: Do You Know The 3 Common Mistakes?

The Push-Up: Do You Know The 3 Common Mistakes?

The Push-Up is like the Kleenex of bodyweight workouts.​

It has such incredible brand awareness that when you imagine a bodyweight exercise, an image of a push-up is almost instantly conjured in your mind.​

But let’s pause there for a second.​

Hold onto that image.​

Because whatever Push-Up image your brain has right now — it probably contains one, if not all, of these terrible mistakes.​

In today’s Fit2Go Home Exercise Tutorial, we’ll break down how to perform a beautiful Push-Up…​

… as well as the 3 common Push-up mistakes that almost *everyone* makes.​

Check it out.​

-Coach Dani​

P.S. Ready to lose fat, get strong, and start maximizing your daily quality of life?​

Shoot me a message via this form so we can discuss your health and fitness goals. ​

We’ll figure out WHY you aren’t currently at your physical best, and start working on a long-term solution.​

In other words, we’ll figure out how to make a *true* lifestyle change that gets results, and lasts.
Dani Singer

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. As CEO & Director of of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani has been featured in national publications such as Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine; and teaches hundreds of thousands of trainers around the world as an advisor to the Personal Trainer Development Center.

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