14 Mar The P.A.U.L. Method: 10-Minute Workouts for Busy Professionals
So here’s what I’ve found with busy professionals and fitness: Their challenge isn’t self-discipline. It’s time.
They usually think they lack self-discipline, so they’ll tell me “I need someone to kick my butt!” And I’ll tell them, “You’re wrong. What you need is a better plan!”
Most people’s fitness plans are absolutely terrible. They’re unrealistic and unsustainable. But it’s not their fault. Look, the fitness industry thrives on feeding the public bad plans. Did you know that gyms rely on 2 out of every 3 new members never actually showing up? It’s a business model that’s literally built around your failure!
Listen, the point isn’t that gym-owners are evil — most are good people who genuinely want to help. But the truth is that if diet and weight loss companies gave customers good plans — plans that are practical and sustainable — then the customer wouldn’t need to spend any more money. They’d actually solve their problem, and that’s bad for business.
Well, it may be bad for business, but that’s exactly what I try to do with our clients at Fit2Go. The way I explain it to every new Fit2Go client is:
This should be the last fitness program you ever have to start.’
We don’t want them to just get fit. We want them to BE fit — for decades.
What does this have to do with Paul? Who’s Paul?
Say hello to Paul.
“Hiiii, Paul.”
We all know Paul. Paul is that super successful, super busy executive who somehow manages to also stay super fit and healthy. (He’s 65, by the way. Just in great shape.) Well, I spoke with Paul the other day and he gave me his secret workout formula. Should I share it with you?
The P.A.U.L. Method
The P.A.U.L. Method isn’t magical, but it sure as heck is effective. It’s the formula for the 10-minute home workout that’s more effective than most people’s hour at the gym.
Here’s how it works:
Step One: Choose one exercise for each of the following 4 categories:
P- Plyometric cardio (e.g. Jumping Jacks)
A- Abs (e.g. Plank)
U- Upper Body (e.g. Push Ups)
L- Lower Body (e.g. Squats)
Step Two: Set a timer to beep every 30 seconds, or use an online interval timer.
Step Three: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, switching every time you hear the timer beep.
Step Four: After performing all four exercises, rest 30 seconds and start again. Continue with this circuit until you’ve reached 10 minutes.
Step Five: Shower, give yourself a pat on the back, and go crush your day.
Why It Works
Here’s why the P.A.U.L. method is so effective:
Reason #1: It gets done.
Again, most people’s plans aren’t realistic or sustainable. The beauty of this 10 minute home workout is that you can count on doing it every single day.
Reason #2: It maximizes efficiency.
Since you’re performing strength exercises back-to-back without rest, you’re strengthening your muscles while also burning fat. It kills two birds with one stone.
Reason #3: It’s one of the best possible ways to start your day.
Psychologically, you’re starting each day with a win. Physiologically, you’re flooding your bloodstream with endorphins to maximize your mood and energy for the day.
How much more productive are you going to be after nailing down this habit?
Go get ’em Paul