23 Jan Home Workout of the Week (Jan 25, 2020)
Welcome to Your Home Workout of the Week!
This 10-minute workout uses The P.A.U.L. Method, designed specifically for busy professionals to maximize results in minimal time.
Here’s how it works:
Each P.A.U.L. workout includes one exercise from the following 4 categories:
P: Plyometrics –> Gets your heart rate up to burn fat.
A: Abs –> Builds strong core and tight waist.
U: Upper Body –> Strengthens and tones arms & torso.
L: Lower Body –> Strengthens and tones glutes and legs.
How it’s Done:
Step 1: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
Step 2: After completing all 4 exercises, rest 30 seconds and repeat.
Step 3: Stop once you’ve reached 10 minutes (4 sets). Take a quick peak in the mirror — you just nailed your workout for the day.
Here are the 4 exercises you’ll be performing this week:
EXERCISE #1: Jumping Jacks (Plyometric Cardio)
Jumping jacks are the movement I incorporate most into clients’ programs.
With plyometric cardio, we’re looking to get your heart rate up, improve your cardiovascular efficiency, and burn fat.
This is precisely what Jumping Jacks will do.
(Note: Use the modification in the tutorial video if your have any joint pain with jumping.)
–> Get the full tutorial here.
EXERCISE #2: Static Mountain Climbers (Abs)
Mountain climbers are technically both a plyometric AND an ab exercise.
But let’s keep in mind what our goal is here — we want to tone up your stomach and improve your core stability.
So we’re going to take the mountain climber and modify it into the exact tool we need for this goal.
Introducing… “The Static Mountain Climber”.
–> Get the full tutorial here.
EXERCISE #3: Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Upper Body)
Do you want to know why a total of $39 BILLION is spent annually on shoulder injuries?
Here’s the reality:
Your shoulder, more specifically your glenohumeral joint (the one that connects your arm to your torso), is the most mobile joint in the human body.
This video will show you how to strengthen your shoulders properly, while avoiding these 3 common mistakes on the Dumbbell Shoulder Press.
–> Get the full tutorial here.
EXERCISE #4: Glute Bridge (Lower Body)
Your glutes (a.k.a. your butt) are not only a cornerstone of an attractive physique, they’re also one of the most commonly underdeveloped muscles in the body.
In short, we sit all day. Sitting all day causes us to lose strength in our glutes. Weak glutes are the direct cause of countless people’s back, hip, knee, ankle, and foot pain.
So whether you want to look good or feel good, the glute bridge is an absolutely fundamental exercise to master.
–> Get the full tutorial here.
Want to workout with us LIVE?
Krista and I will be performing this 10-minute home workout LIVE @ 8am sharp this Saturday, January 25th! Follow the Fit2Go Facebook page so you can join in.
Stay busy. Stay fit.
-Coach Dani
P.S. Are you ready to optimize your own health, fitness, and body composition?
We’re opening up a few spots in the Fit2Go Personal Training program. Fill out this quick form and we’ll discuss your goals.