20 Feb Home Workout of the Week (Feb 22, 2020)
Welcome to Your Home Workout of the Week!
This 10-minute workout uses The P.A.U.L. Method, designed specifically for busy professionals to maximize results in minimal time.
Here’s how it works:
Each P.A.U.L. workout includes one exercise from the following 4 categories:
P: Plyometrics –> Gets your heart rate up to burn fat.
A: Abs –> Builds strong core and tight waist.
U: Upper Body –> Strengthens and tones arms & torso.
L: Lower Body –> Strengthens and tones glutes and legs.
How it’s Done:
Step 1: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
Step 2: After completing all 4 exercises, rest 30 seconds and repeat.
Step 3: Stop once you’ve reached 10 minutes (4 sets). Take a quick peak in the mirror — you just nailed your workout for the day.
Here are the 4 exercises you’ll be performing this week:
EXERCISE #1: Twisters (Plyometric Cardio)
Here’s a radical idea:
What if exercise could be FUN?
What if rather than “performing an exercise”, we played a game instead?
That’s what we’re going to do with this week’s plyometric cardio exercise: The Twister,
(Note: Use the modification in the instructions if you have any joint pain with jumping.)
–> Get the full video tutorial here.
EXERCISE #2: Loser’s Catch (Abs)
It ain’t all that complicated.⠀
But how might a LOSER play catch?⠀
In this week’s ab exercise, Krista shows us how.⠀
Check it out.⠀
–> Get the full video tutorial here.
EXERCISE #3: Curl and Press (Upper Body)
Fun Fact: Krista Michael is the strongest and leanest Registered Nurse (RN) in all of Baltimore City and County.
That’s why I poached her from her former position as Nursing Director at Johns Hopkins Hospital and hired her as Health & Fitness Director of Fit2Go Personal Training.
Ever since then, we’ve been constantly asked the million dollar question:
“How do I get arms like Krista’s?”
Today, we’ll show you how.
–> Get the full video tutorial here.
EXERCISE #4: Time Out (Lower Body)
We’ve all been there.
We’ve all misbehaved a little and been sent to time out, haven’t we?
Krista sure has.
Here’s how Krista uses her time outs as an opportunity to build a strong and toned lower body.
–> Get the full video tutorial here.
Want to workout with us LIVE?
Krista and I will be performing this exact 10-minute home workout LIVE @ 9am sharp this Saturday, February 22nd!
Follow the Fit2Go Facebook page so you can join in.
Stay busy. Stay fit.
-Coach Dani
P.S. Are you ready to optimize your own health, fitness, and body composition?
We’re opening up a few spots in the Fit2Go Personal Training program. Fill out this quick form and we’ll discuss your goals.